Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Odesa, Ukraine

Today I received some very interesting news regarding my trip to Romania this summer. I had just gotten out of my New Testament class when Randy called me as I was walking back to my room.

As we talked I found that I will be the only intern this summer, which means a LOT of work for me, but I am pretty excited about it! We will be working with kids all over western Romania and Odesa, Ukraine. I found out from Randy this morning that we will be spending a week to a week and a half in Odesa leading a creative ministries camp for some of the kids there. Odesa is located in the southern part of Ukraine on the Black Sea. I remember about 10 years ago when my dad had the opportunity to go to Kiev, Ukraine to rebuild a church. I am super excited to be able to go to the same country my dad went to about 10 years ago!

I still do not know an official date when I am leaving or coming back. However, with this trip to Ukraine I may be leaving a few weeks earlier. There was not to much more information that I found out this morning but, as I find out more and more information, I will continue to post on here and hopefully I will be able to continue to keep you updated over the summer.

I never would have thought that I would be blessed in this way. God never ceases to amaze me with the opportunities and doors he has opened for me. Even though I have many, many questions about my faith and what I believe, He is still using me. It is incredibly humbling to have all these questions about what I believe and yet, some how, some way, He is using me. INCREDIBLE!


Only Servants Ministries said...

We are proud of you Kev. And this is just another chapter in the storybook of your life that God is writing. Can't wait to see how this unfolds future plans for you.

Matt Rollins said...

That's pretty cool bro! What language do they speak there? Ukresh?

Better get on it... I bet they have a Ukresh class at GW... might want to check...