Saturday, September 6, 2008


SO, how many times have you been a part of something HUGE. Something that a lot of people came to? For example, a professional sporting event. We often sit there and watch in amazement at how much better other people are at playing games than we are. We sit in amazement because we are in the same building as these men and women who make millions of dollars for playing a game.

One example I have is the summer of 2008. My buddy Ryan and I drove up to Cooperstown, New York in one night. It was July 29th to be exact. We had made arrangements to drive up there to watch Cal Ripken Jr., our favorite baseball player, get inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. We got up there and there were 66,000 people that had all crammed into the tiny town of Cooperstown. There were record setting number there. The most people ever to go to an induction ceremony, and also the most returning Hall of Famers came back. Being a baseball fanatic, I got chill bumps when I heard the name of these guys just because I was in the presence of them.

This past weekend I got to go on a retreat and while we were singing some songs I found myself just listening and getting the same chill bumps I got when I was in the presence of those baseball players. I was amazed that I could get that chill bump feeling with out singing. I thought what is up with that? The more I thought about it the more I came up with an answer, or somewhat of an answer.

When I was standing there in awe of listening to people sing praise to our God, I looked around and saw 150 college students passionately in love with the one and only Savior. By not singing, I had created my own spectator position. As I watched, God's indescribable love completely humbled me, much like watching in awe of those professional athletes. I was completely and totally humbled to know that the Creator of the Universe has taken the time to invest in my life.

I know it is a simple statement, but is it not AMAZING to think about that. No matter where we are, God has invested time into putting us there and getting us there mentally, physically, and spiritually. So, next time you're in a worship service try just listening to everyone else sing see if it humbles you the same way it did me. I think you will be surprised at how you feel afterward.


cathy hudler said...

Well said Kevin! I do that every now and again and it is so refreshing to hear a crowd simultaneously praising God in song. Hope you have a great week!

The Beaver Bunch said...

You're so cool. Much more than I think you know or give yourself credit for.

Hope all is well in GW land.