Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Classroom Manners

I have always be an introvert in class. If I have the choice of sitting on the front row or sitting on the back row, I always choose the back row. When I am in class I refrain for speaking at all times unless I am called on. Generally I do not pay attention in class because I get bored with lectures VERY quickly. I usually have to teach myself everything through reading and doing the homework. I just do not learn well in the class room.

Now I know there are people that are different from me. Those who sit in the front of the class by choice, learn well in lectures, can pay attention, speak up in class, etc, are way different from me and I do not have a problem with that at all. But there is a limit that some people just blow right by. They ask a question after every sentence. They suck up to the teacher NONSTOP. These people irritate me, and if you happen to be one of those people and reading my blog... I am VERY sorry, I do not mean for this to be offensive or anything.

I have one of these people in my New Testament class at 9am. I am not a morning person so my patience for this is even shorter. This particular person happens to be about 45 with kids in high school. I am not against her being in school by any stretch of the imagination. Howevr, this morning her suck up nature particularly got under my skin. Mr. Henson, my professor, asked a question to which someone answered. Mrs. Old Lady (sorry for the old comment those who are 45+, except for my parents... I am not sorry) reiterates verbatim what my class mate said in an attempt to SUCK UP! There is a girl who sits two seats in front of me who was in my OT (thats Old Testament) class and she turned to me (in the back corner, with my head resting in the corner) and shook her head. It was at that point that I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep for the rest of th class.

Please, if you EVER have a class with me, DO NOT ask questions out the wazoo. It is not necessary to ask a question after the statement "Mark is believed to be written by John Mark, a follower of Peter." There is nothing that needs questioning in that statement. Do what you need to learn but if you need to ask questions after EVERY sentence.. please avoid me after class. I might be deadly afterward. Please use your classroom etiquette and don't tick other people off by asking too many questions. Please. Thanks.


gk said...

you know kevin... theres no such thing as a stupid question. :)

I'm Just Sayin said...

But there IS such a thing as asking a question at a stupid time! LOL!

Unknown said...

You are right. There is no such thing a stupid question. But there is a such thing as a stupid person. ... And there are many. Very many. In all the world. I know some. Personally. And they are stupid. Very stupid.

(Apologies to anyone who is stupid)