Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am NOT a morning person

So last night I knew this would not be a good morning. I set my alarm for 7:15 and because I absolutely cannot miss anymore classes, I set my alarm out of reach from my bed. My first words this mornings were, "This is a BAD day." Little did I know that the worst was yet to come.

For those who know me well and have seen me in the mornings, they know I need at least an hour to wake up and comprehend words people are muttering to me. Apparently my room mate Elliot, has not learned this lesson yet.

I got out of bed turned my alarm off and then went back to sleep on the couch... good plan I know. Well, Elliot gets up and gets a shower and I have the only peace I will have for the next two hours.

He returns from the shower chattin up a storm. And, at first, just out of the kindness of my heart I try to respond with something understandable. I have no idea if it was actually English or not. But anyway I manage to pull myself off the couch to get dressed for this class that we just happen to have together. It's about 7:35 now and I am dressed and walking out the door with one eye open.. or both eyes half open equaling one eye. Anyway, I stumble to get a biscuit in the Kennel and the whole way there Elliot is rambling on and on about random stuff. Just talking his little.. or rather large head off. By the time we got to the food I was ready to punch him in the face.

I do not talk in the mornings and I do not want to be bothered in the mornings simply because I do not want to offend anyone by ignoring them. However, this morning, I had no choice. He would ask me a question and sure enough no answer from the dead peanut gallery. I just walked still 75% asleep.

So I post this blog to inform you that if I ignore you in the mornings it is not because I do not like you it is because of one of two reasons. The first being I simply do not comprehend things or words or anything for that matter for at least an hour after I wake up. And the second is that you are just talking way to much and I am frustrated with you.


cathy hudler said...

Hehe...lol! Hey, what dates will you be in Romania? I'm praying about going with the church this year.

I'm Just Sayin said...

Oh my goodness! I thought it was just me! My kids all love to just chat away in the mornings and it grates on my last nerve! Todd's learned to curb the chatter in the mornings but the kids are oblivious to my evil looks, grunts and all-out mean attempts to ignore the chatter. Thanks for letting me know I'm normal!