Friday, October 24, 2008

Snooze Button

So, as most of you know I like to sleep.. a lot. One thing my room mate and I have noticed is that our morning routine is the same. Our alarm clocks go off right about the same time every morning, and every morning we wake up and turn them off only to go back to sleep again. This happens at least twice every morning. And when we do finally get out of bed neither of us talk. We are more like zombies until around 11ish. In fact, since we have been in the same room, we have not spoken to each other before 11am ever.

Often times my first thoughts are major excuses as to why I do not need to get up, and comedian Bill Dwyer says it perfectly. I have often said I am going to get up take a shower, grab a pop tart and microwave it for 3 seconds, then go to class. That has yet to happen. Most days, my alarm goes off and my first excuse is I can get 3 extra seconds of sleep if I don't eat that poptart, so I go back to sleep. The alarm goes off again. This time, a bit more agitated I say to myself, I can get a shower later, that will get me 10 more minutes of sleep. And finally by the third or fourth time my alarm goes off, I give in. I sit up turn my alarm off get out of bed, and as soon as I get out of bed, I turn around and lay my head back down on my bed, trying to get a few more seconds of rest. About this time my naked room mate stumbles by and almost always runs into the couch. Finally, it's about 15 minutes before I have to be in class and so I get dressed and go to class.


cathy hudler said...

Thanks for the image of a naked roommate. Gross!
Dude, wake up!!!!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing... minus the random naked guy


Matt Rollins said...

Dude.... If I would have had a new freshman roomate that likes to walk around naked, I'd have been up at 6am dressed and showered and in the cafeteria by 7 reading the paper.... whilst missing a naked dude walking around my room.

Your time will come brother...if you get a normal adult job one day you'll have to be there at 8 am anyways, naked dude or not!